Elenoa means a girl who is a great friend that never back stabs you or ever talk behind ur back ,great friend,a girl that always chased by boys because of her beauty .has shiny teeth like the sun and a Angel.
OML is that elenoa the new girl dude imma ask her out she is so cute
by Lexy brown June 14, 2017
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A charming, bubbly girl with a passion for fashion. Everyone takes her to be the princess, but she isn't. She's the queen. Boys fall madly in love with her, and girls hate her because they can't relate. She's affectionate, cute and sexy - typically the hot girl of the school. Don't be jealous. Not everyone can be like Elenoa. She's one of a kind. Sometimes, she's quiet. But that's just her plotting to take over the world and become the next Kylie Jenner.
"Oh my gosh that Elenoa! What an e-girl"
"Elenoa is definitely Miss Universe material"
by egirl02 March 31, 2019
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Elenoa is the meaning of a loyal person who will always stick by your side. This word is an adjective and is feminine meaning it is normally used towards loyal female friends. Elenoa is someone who will bash fake, back stabbing dogs for their mates and will always keep it real .
Elenoa girl: "I'll bash that girl Jessica for you "
Friend: "What an Elenoa"
by der kluge November 23, 2021
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