The chill down your spine you get when listening to amazing music.
I got an eargasm while listening to Third Eye by Tool live.
by Tim4BG January 6, 2006
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Music that is so unbelievably amazing to listen to.
Dude! Did you hear that new album? Yeah! It was eargasmic!
by whoa_its_soph March 12, 2011
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A portion of music so amazing it gives the listener an eargasm.
Wow that solo gave was eargasmic!
by dls November 16, 2004
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Pleasure derived from listening to good music, particularly when a song suddenly transitions to an exciting upbeat section.
Just wait, you'll totally have an eargasm like 30 seconds into this song
by Than January 15, 2006
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When you get chills listening to music (in particular, from John Williams, who is widely considered the greatest movie score composer of all time).
Forget the actual movie scene, this music is giving me an eargasm!
by gimme the money May 23, 2016
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A tingling down the spine, when hearing a climax of a noise/sound.
Get chill or goosebumps hearing something good.
Girl 1: I got eargasms when i heard Beyonce sing Ave Maria
Girls 2: No kidding
by Tobenoist May 7, 2013
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The tingly-scalp nipplestand feeling one gets when cleaning out one's ears with a Q-Tip.
'AAAAAAAAAAAaaahhhhh ... eargasm."
by GR October 28, 2003
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