When you take a pile of shit and your hand brushes the top of it while wiping
I took a massive shit yesterday, it was a real knuckle duster

I'm washing my hands, dusted those knuckles pretty good just now
by Knuckleduster March 21, 2023
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A fat ginger who can’t pass the puck for shit and only thinks about food
The fat ass duster sent a muffin pass to his teammates
by Gggfdheuuejeheheh October 31, 2023
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Similar to a Crop Duster, but different in that a Must Duster always leaves behind a musty smell, like old mold, or like a dusty gust of penicillin spores fresh off an expired loaf of bread, but instead out of the Must Duster's rear.
Our office Must Duster walked by and sprinkled us with her moldy dust, thus creating a psynchronized nose covering to block out the spores of her un-welcomed scent.
by siamese6 August 15, 2007
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when a group or possy of civilians get together and acquire a hostage And then proceed to pull out their shlongs and urinate all over their hostage
hey man wanna get some guys together and set p a greasy chalk duster tonight

by chodley696969 November 30, 2015
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A low-life, piece of shit skumbag person or couple that will befriend and entrust u into there circle of life, but all the while doing so are deviously defying your loyalty, trust, and anything else they can possibly steal from you or the ppl you love most. There the scum of the earth would steal, lie & cheat there own mother and kids to get what they want and run with it. Ever meet a couple named Seattle & Megan i suggest u politely get the fuck away as fast as possible and hope to god they didnt or dont know where u live or anything about u cuz if so u may wanna change locations or ur liable to get kruster dustered in the worst possible way....JUST SAYING (frm personal experience there not to be trusted)
If you have ever in your life met a kruster duster believe me 151% u will know it right after it happens it feels life life/karma/mother nature/god himself just gave u a swift kick in the dick. After that life itself does a 360° and u know its time to nut up or shut up....
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