Republican president who believes himself to be the leader of the world. Best known for his poor grasp of the English language and unintentionally funny speeches. Is also strongly religious and believes that he was sent by God (tm), or at least the God of the Christian white male.

Also, a puppet. He is controlled by Dick Cheney and, more recently, Condoleezza Rice.
"Um.... ahh.... Humans and fish can coexist peacefully."
by anonymous February 1, 2005
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Dubya's got two more years. Thank God for 4 year terms, and 2 term maximums.
by Jambalaya Joe August 31, 2005
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Twat. Full stop. Not a lot else to say really.
"You never know what your history is going to be like until long after you're gone." —Dubya, Washington, D.C., May 5, 2006

"Twat." -Casual observer.
by Jizzers Crust June 21, 2006
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Dubya refers to George W. Bush, as it is the Texan way of pronouncing his middle initial.

Ironically, this nickname he has adopted was coined by the liberal political writer Molly Ivins.
Republican: Dubya's got my vote!

Democrat: No way I'm voting for dumbsh... er, Dubya.

Remember, a vote for Nader is a vote for Dubya! And yes, Molly Ivins did coin "Dubya", and I'd know, so don't delete this definition
by Ober June 1, 2004
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JS: Omigosh! They'll take away my chicken of the sea! IS IT REALLY CHICKEN?! IT TASTES LIKE TUNA!!!
by Crimson Nanashi November 4, 2004
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A dickwad douchebag who completely ruins a nation, and has subhuman vocabulary.
"We must fahnd these nucular weahpons!"
by Sparda January 15, 2005
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