1. An exceedingly stupid person

2. Anyone looking up the word 'douchebag'. I mean, seriously? Do you have a life?!
You're such a douchebag. Who spends their time on UrbanDictionary.com?
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A person who cheats on, tears apart someone elses life, and hits on freshman, and 8th graders, when he is in 11th grade
That douchebag ruined my life.
by random128 June 11, 2009
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Person who is NOT smart enough to keep up with his own LIES!!!
He cancels his TRIP to CHICAGO and then books a flight to CANCUN...and CLAIMS he is going by HIMSELF....WOW WHAT A DOUCHEBAG!!!!! AHHHHHHH YEAH!!!!
by Beefcake 8181 October 29, 2010
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A person who tries overly hard to be cool.
Only a douchbag would bye that t-shirt
by Billy April 18, 2005
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Anti-Videogame Crusader Jack Thompson
Only a douchebag would lead a one man war on something that he knows absolutely nothing about.
by Bradcore November 6, 2005
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Someone who refuses to medical help they require, even if it affects others around them and relationships they have.
Someone who makes a lot of strange sound effect noises, for no reason every single day, or every time you see them.
Someone who actually thinks bad things or problems will magically go away if they are ignored and/or put off long enough.
Someone who'd rather live with the pain, discomfort, and inconveniences, of having a hernia (including making the significant other suffer indefinatley, each day going by an insult), even if it means no intercourse, rather than having the outpatient surgery and having a rich, full, normal sex life.

In short, anyone who doesn't see their overabundance of agrrogance, rudeness, stubborness, lameness, cowardice, or insensitivity, even though they exhibit those qualities to the max on a regular to extreme basis.
It feeds off of pride, fear, and selfishness.
These definitions are very close to that of asshole, jackass, dick, and fucker.
The major difference is that the douchebag isn't usually one to commit douchebaggary out of blatent evil intentions.
by ladynez420 July 29, 2009
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