a girl who stands out in the croud; always speaking her mind and not giving two fuck what anyone has to say about it. sarcastic, hard headed, opinionated and softhearted. someone who doesn't seem to have the best luck in relationships but that never stops her from trying; hair changes with moods, and usually stands out with colors and clothes. what you would call a ride or die friend; if she wants to do something best believe it'll be done. someone who loves the good times but dont fuck hers up; things will get physical.
"Who was that girl fighting latnight with a smile on her face."

"OH that was just Dori!"
by loveddddddd May 18, 2009
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When bae makes you feel so special that you have no words to explain yourself.

You would normally say "I can't even rn" or "I can't handle you"

Dory comes from the phrase "I can't handle you" as in "door handle"
Bf: "babe you're my everything, I can't see myself with anyone else but you. I love you"

Gf: " Awww babe! I'm so dory rn"
by Astroboi74 September 16, 2016
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Dory’s often are the smarter, better looking, and funnier sibling.
Wow she’s an absolutely gorgeous and hilarious person! She must be a Dory.
by Slaytheday246 June 22, 2022
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A loud laugh; almost like a yelp, but not as severe. A laugh that bursts out and sounds like a bizarre form of a battle cry. The kind of laugh that makes other people laugh just because it is so loud and silly sounding.
Mike: Dude, did you see that onion booty over there?
Damien: No, what about her?
Mike: She has a hella dorie. Its hilarious.
by Huntz April 3, 2009
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a really sexy girl, usually uesed to describe a girl with brown hair a nice big ass
by keljf September 11, 2003
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Amazing, funny, loving, a person who likes to thrust while walking, likes to dance like a foo, HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FINDING NEMO however that was a good show! Lets see if you can remeber the swimming song "what do we swim, swim, swim" Now remeber kids every one love fruit roll-ups!

A thrusting action while walking.
C'mon lets do The " dorie " Bitch! YAy the dorie. Spermz
by asdfadfasf February 11, 2009
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"Bill: Isn't Dori such a goddess? Fred: Yeah, Bill."
by Dorii;)) November 23, 2020
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