the average discord mod feeds off of grooming young people, and has become quite full and fat with the amount of victims he draws in and consumes each and every week. our discord mod quite literally is the very epitome of a virgin, the inspiration for the universe's first ever seen virgin if you will.

the classic discord mod smells like unwashed ass, has grimy fingernails and is unnecessarily serious. the stereotypical discord mod does not allow memes, laughter, or fun in #general and his hand is a professional cockwarmer, only to his own! as he is a virgin loser, let us not forget.

if you tell someone that you are interested in becoming a discord mod, the person who you are speaking to will run away before you even get out the second syllable.
yo, the discord mod is a total creep, he called my 14 yo sister a babe

imagine being a fucking discord mod.

a discord mod gets 0 bitches sitting in they momma's crib rereading the content of the Discord Moderator Academy.
by cozyvixen October 27, 2021
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A 30 year old virgin that still lifes with his mother and simps for egirls or anime girls (also comparable to a coomer).
Sanctions (muting, banning, kicking) everyone that breaks the discord server rules in any kind of way or disrespectful in the discord mod's eyes.
10:21 random-user1: *sending a meme in #general*
10:21 discord mod: "NO MEMES IN #general !!!"
10:21 discord mod: "!mute @random-user 1h reason: sending memes in #general"
10:23 random-user2: "hey mod, that was just a funny meme, why are you muting him?"
10:23 discord mod: "are you DISRESPECTING ME?!?"
10:23 discord mod: "!mute @random-user2 7d reason: disrespecting the moderation"
by mr_silverhand March 19, 2021
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An evolution of the "Reddit Mod", these neckbeards spend hours on their $3000 desktop set ups, parusing the discord servers looking for rule breakers. These can be closeted pedophiles due to the copious amounts of Loli hentai they watch.
Guys, dont post memes in #general-chat or I may have to ban you for 24 hours.

Anyway, back to what I was saying, I do belive that the age of consent should be lowered to 13 years old. I am a discord mod so this is okay
by Comrade Boris January 1, 2022
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An overweight male with a rainbow light up gaming setup who moderates servers on discord. They usually can be found preying on 13 year old girls, threatening to ban them if they say anything about it.
Damn that guy is really like a discord mod.
by v10l3t March 17, 2021
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A virgin male behemoth that sits in his mom's basement all day and never goes outside while simping for vtubers and anime girls. These creatures also ban people who put memes in #general. They also like to prey on 13-year-old girls just like their role model, Eat Dat Prison Food 445.
Discord Mod: Please keep the memes out of #general
Person: Shut the fuck up you fucking behemoth. Go touch some grass.

Discord Mod: Is that mod disrespect? !ban@Person staff disrespect.
by VezinaIgor31 August 11, 2022
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a fat man in a tiny fedora who role plays on discord and usually lives in their mothers basement
hey dude stop being such a discord mod”
by Eijejrjrnr January 19, 2022
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Something That We All Hate, But Something That We All Want To Become.
Server Member: This is a very bad server.
Discord Mod: hippity hoppity a ban is now your property
by Octopixy40 August 12, 2020
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