A stupid game played by low skilled low intellect stoners who aren't man enough for golf. Really just Frisbee for people who don't have friends to throw it back.
"I'm gonna get high, throw on some cargo shorts and flip flops and take my loser, patchouli stinking ass into the woods to throw Frisbees at trees. I'll call it disc golf so I can get pissed at people who call it what it really is."
by Fucknuggit October 25, 2019
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Tim is too fat to walk 18 holes of real golf so he throws a frisbee as a basket while drinking beers and puffing on some bud. wooooo disc golf
by panterastang May 28, 2009
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We're playing disc golf. I'm going to throw a friggin frisbee through Iron Maiden's chain jockstrap 18 times.
by pricelives April 18, 2018
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