When you fuck your friends dog and film it and post it on the hub under bbc watch it ever night buts into a glass and force your teacher to drink it
Dude rob pulled a dirty Myles last night
by Fortnite border control January 7, 2021
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A dirty Myles is when you shove 5 dildos up your ass and a toothpick in your dick and jerk off. As your jerking goes on your boyfriend walks in and licks your face.
Wow man yesterday I had my first dirty Myles with Kai
by Erawr;) April 26, 2021
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The act of getting it doggy-style while texting every detail to your closest friends.
Did you read your texts this morning from Karen? Girl's Dirty Myles must have been good! It took almost an hour to read through all her messages!
by Blue B'ler March 10, 2020
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