Fucking asshole, responsible for romans death in deal ending and works with mikhail faustin and some other asshole. In deal ending, dimitri betrays random dude and then niko kills him but in revenge ending dimitri and other guy are killed separately. Dimitri (deal ending only) hires hitman to kill niko at romans wedding but shoots roman instead accidentally. Niko fucking desecrates the hitmans dead corpse and then goes to kill dimitri and shit
Dimitri Rascalov: fuck u bro
Niko bellic: u killed roman so ima kill u motherfucker
by Balls man 1983 July 18, 2023
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Fucking asshole. Responsible for Roman Bellics death in gta iv. Betrayed niko once (twice if you pick deal ending) hes just a fucking naked mole rat. Just pick fucking revenge ending so you can kill this asshole sooner. And also save romans life.
Dimitri: ay fuck u stupid slavic dumbass get fucking betrayed loser hahahahaha

87 missions later…


Niko: fuck you Dimitri Rascalov

Dimiti: *dies*
by Balls man 1983 July 24, 2023
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