a titty dick can be two things.
1.)a dick in the shape of a titty.most of the time it is always floppy,never hard.it can remind you of an old man pee pee.ewww.

2.)the other is vise versa.a tity shaped like a dick.self explanitory
omg, dude.he has a titty dick.

get your titty dick outta my PEASHvagggina
by tdoggbiotch November 6, 2007
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when one titty fucks a woman after having anal sex with stated woman
You wanna shitty titty dick?

Dude, I just got some really good shitty titty dick!!!
by GOD1203 September 25, 2013
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A person who places their penis in between male or female breasts.
"He just tittie dicked that bitch"
"Look at that tittie dick over there dicking those titties."
by Derick Ruhl October 5, 2020
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