Barry decay is a type of decay that causes you to age backwards. It was first discovered by Benjamin K in second grade while experimenting on a man named Barry. Barry decay now has 5 known cases worldwide.
Dis mans has Barry Decay.
by Joe____MOMMA November 3, 2020
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when a person so dead (Tired, Lonely, Sad) but they alive, being social and not letting people now.
( Don't take this seriously Plz XD)
" I know him, he's so decayed always out here doing something, and then he go sulk at home"
by CartlynTheORINO March 20, 2022
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the tendency for tutorials to become out of date or irrelevant over time for for critical links to be broken over time making it a garbage tutorial that just frustrates people trying to learn.
overwatch videos are very much subject to tutorial decay as heros are changed.
the same can be said about a fair few technical tutorials on machine learning and stuff like angular.
by ProphetOfConfusion December 7, 2018
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CLIMBING TERMINOLOGY - A bouldering game where players attempt every route in the gym in order of location (i.e. left to right). Named for the town in France where a large portion of the inhabitance perished because they could not stop dancing, you will surely feel like a 16th century villager who will soon die of fatigue.

RULES: An attempt must include muscle engagement and some realistic effort

WARNING: only one round of the Strasbourg decay should be attempted per week. MAY CAUSE INJURY

SYNONYMS: Strassy, Strassy D., Strasburg delirium, climbing apoptosis
"Why are you vomiting?"
"EUGHBLEHRGHHH the *gasp* Strasbourg Decay EUGRHHHLEH"
by ieatcrayon December 8, 2022
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CLIMBING TERMINOLOGY - A bouldering game where players attempt every route in the gym in order of location (i.e. left to right). Named for the town in France where a large portion of the inhabitance perished because they could not stop dancing, you will surely feel like a 16th century villager who will soon die of fatigue.

RULES: An attempt must include muscle engagement and some realistic effort

WARNING: only one round of the Strasbourg decay should be attempted per week. MAY CAUSE INJURY

SYNONYMS: Strassy, Strassy D., Strasburg delirium, climbing apoptosis
"Why are you vomiting?"
"EUGHBLEHRGHHH the *gasp* Strasbourg Decay EUGRHHHLEH"
by ieatcrayon December 8, 2022
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