A Latina bitch who can tame herself in public, but will kick your ass if needed.She's sweet, smart,caring,tiny,compassionate,patient,loving,kind,has a MASSIVE ass(has it's own gravity,the mass is so large it attracts shit to it,has its own zip code,is the reason Pluto is not a planet),awesome as fuck,can have random outbursts of bitchiness( but will always love you in the end).Is ocassionally scary when threatening to kill you.She will tell you the truth even though it may make you cry.She's a great dancer.Is in love with Daniel.An awesome roommate.Loved by Sasha and Caroline. She will fuck your ass up if you fuck her or her friends over. She hates all the guys that Sasha has met in college and thinks Caroline ain't so sweet anymore.But that's okay because Dayanira is the shit.
A.K.A: D Money; Fishy; Bitch; Cunt; Skank; Whore,etc
Theme Song: "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix A Lot
Quote: "I will tear that ass up!"
My roommate Dayanira is the shit!
by F6Girls October 13, 2010
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a person that is sweet and kind and generous. they are comforting to be around and always make everyone smile. even if they feel overlooked, they are an angel on earth
by goldenhoneybby November 4, 2023
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