A comic-based movie that everyone thought sucked, but it didn't, because it was a good superhero movie. nuff said
Internet Message Board Guy: WTF, this movie suxxor! I hate Ben Affeck and Kingpin ain't supposed to be black!!!!
ME: *blasts with shotgun*
by Sean March 27, 2005
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Best fucking Comic book movie ever! With badass lines such as "I hope justice is found here today, before justice finds you." A hero that bends others over and does them raw.
You don't fuck with daredevil unless you want your ass to bleed.
by Nameless April 6, 2003
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To skeet over a chicks eyes rendering her blind like the comic book hero "DareDevil".
"Yo dude, last night I totally daredeviled that hoe!"
by davethelightguy January 9, 2008
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a daredevil is a very sly creature, has the ability to hide his ulteria motives by acting like a friend to snake around other mens women, very slippery and very slimy, probably not something you would want to touch
by owned July 13, 2004
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Movie with a good premise/plot, but ruined by one or many of the following things:

1) HORRIBLE fucking acting.
2) bastardization from hollywood.
3) horrible casting.
4) that fucking drunk, ben affleck.
that movie was just another daredevil.
by riloh February 27, 2003
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When you cum on a girls eyelids when she's passed out so that when she wakes up she can't open her eyes.
Dude, I totally daredevilled that chick last night and when she woke up I ran the fuck out of there.
by C.Friend March 30, 2008
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when a guy gets gets with a woman and her fat friend wants to join in for a threesome and make sandwiches all night
damn i was a daredevil with them hoes last night!
by dale April 28, 2004
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