A situation in which you can not finish your food.
Guy1: You ok dude you don't look so good?
Guy2: I'm so full I don't think I can eat another bite.
Guy1 :It's just one baconator ..... man that's a real Danception.
by UnicornGrinder October 14, 2018
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the state of moving your body along the rhythem, a feeling that comes from the bottom of your heart, and its one's most desired thought in mind.
one could cause deception in someone's mind if the danceptor has great will power, or if the music is too funky.
irvin: danception, now before you bother telling me its impossible....

paul: no, its perfectly possible, its just bloody difficult.

paul: listen, if youre gonna peform danception, you need imagination.
by NTPU LOCKER August 14, 2011
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