What you say if something strange or surprising happens.
When Charlie hit his toe, he screamed out "Damn!Shit!Fuck!"
by ChristmasLite March 17, 2009
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The exchange rate between the words used in the "I don't give a ___" phrase. In a recent treaty between all English-speaking nations, it has been determined that there are:

2.71828183 shits per one fuck
3.14159265 damns per one shit

and 5.02734907 x 10^5 hoots per one damn
Brett: You see that cloud up there? It doesn't give a fuck about your existence _or 2.71828183 shits or 3.14159265 damns or 5.02734907 x 10^5 hoots.

Alex: Wow, you know the entire hoot-damn-shit-fuck exchange rate.


Boy: I don't give two fucks about your feelings!

Girl: wow you really don't care about me
by Vyplnit December 7, 2011
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A series of expletives representing the transition from bad, to worse, to the end of the world. Can be used in a string, or with filler phrases inbetween.
You wrecked the Benz? Shit, Damn, Fuck!
Shit, that dude has a gun; damn, he's shooting people; fuck, he's coming for me!
by skrufi June 29, 2005
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This is something you say when you are really mad at something or someone
Person1: "If you dont bring the money back buy 5 o clock then im going to fucking rip your dick off"

by M3guy January 21, 2003
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What you can say when the teacher gives a surprise quiz.
Teacher: You have a test tommorow!

Student: Fuckin' Shit Damn Fuck!
by PirhanaPirate November 30, 2018
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this is what you say when your happy as fuck to be having sex with some bitch by a dam.
bend her over the dam and go to town!!!!don't forget to hit the high hole while your back there..Love the Rev.
by Rev. Jamie March 23, 2003
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