She is a person who is completely book smart, extremely not street smart, and really slow. she has a strong faith and has a strong heart. she is kind and helpful. She can be funny, but only because what she says makes no sense. She is also Athletic and artistic with drawing and dance. She knows how to be a true friend and a person who gives good advice. She is constantly smiling and loves to have fun. She LOVES guys who have British accents and are extremely cute. She also has a loving heart.

Also known as "Czar"
Friend 1: "What's behind the green glass door?"

Czarmaine: "Uh I don't know"
Friend 1: "You can have a waterfall but no water"
Czarmaine: "That doesn't make sense"

Continues to think about it...
Friend 1: "did you ever figure out what was behind the green glass door?"
Czarmaine: "Noooooo!"
Friend 2: "what is this?"
Friend 1: "A riddle"
Czarmaine: "She asked me a week ago and i still haven't gotten it yet!"
Friend 2: "oh double letters"
Czarmaine: "WHAT?!?!?!?!"

Friend 1: "Yeah it is double letters!"
Czarmaine: "AGHHA:hgkh"
by OriginalThwag21 September 30, 2011
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