A YouTuber who talked about a blue rat called Sonic and is currently hibernating for 9 years.
God, I really miss Cybershell.

Please come back king.
by Stop_Horny_People September 10, 2020
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verb: To disappear or to go ghost for an extended period of time while lurking and keeping a low profile

origin: cybershells epic 3 year disappearing prank
Hey this cool youtuber I watched has gone cybershell
by StarDumb May 7, 2021
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Once upon a time there was a cocky little freak named Cybershell.
He made YouTube videos about a blue rat called Sonic the Hedgehog, until he went into hibernation for 9 years, never delivering his promise of a “Sonic 2 Bonus Video”. However, he suddenly came back in 2017 with said fabled Sonic 2 Bonus Video. He then made a series of new videos on a regular basis until he disappeared once again in the start of 2018, leaving his newly trusted fanbase and paying patrons behind without even saying a word.
From there on Cybershell was referred to as a scammer by his tumblr “fanbase”.
And now when someone refers to another as a Cybershell, that means they decive those who were loyal to them by scamming them out of their money and running off with it.
Wow, I can’t believe this dude pulled a Cybershell. I want my fucking money back!
by Robr0 December 6, 2018
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