After I came I was feeling so cumfy.
by gumleaves October 8, 2013
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Cumfy (cum-fy) is the most popular porn website worldwide. In contrary to all other porn websites, Cumfy shows no annoying ads (none at all), has the best Smartphone Mobile version of a porn site, has the most complete list of all categories (over 80 different categories), offers videos in high definition for free, allows searches and shows up more than a bazillion videos. Maybe one of the best features is that all this is 100% free of virus, programs, or advertisements that ask for your phone number or credit card.
Fuck every website porn I've ever known, Cumfy is THE porn website.
by jh valley_ May 1, 2013
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A selfie, except there's cum on your face. Typically taken after some good sex or after jacking off
I couldn't see my girl this weekend, so I sent her a fresh cumfie so she knows I'm thinking about her
by soosey June 15, 2020
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Word used to describe someone who is incredibly comfortable to sleep with and or gives amazing hugs. May or may not include seizure inducing fellatio
Merushka is the most cumfi person in the world.
Nelson is not as cumfi as Merushka.
Two people may be cumfi but one is always superior to the other... thats a law of nature
by RandomMedstudent July 24, 2018
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The wonderful feeling of a sensation or emotion being cuddly and arousing at the same time. Examples include the feeling of breasts, buttocks, thighs, as well as most aspects of foreplay and sex. Of course a partner’s genitals are also comfy.
Babe, your thighs felt so cumfy around my hips
by TeskarTheBlindSquid June 1, 2023
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The soft, fuzzy, comfortable feeling after an orgasm, often accompanied by happy thoughts and the feeling of contentment
That orgasm made me feel really cumfy and now i want cuddles and to go to sleep
by Jochip August 2, 2022
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