To rip someone off of 20 plus pounds of black tar heroin and then proceed to fuck them faster and harder than an Arabian man with a bomb to his chest
I just cuck and fucked your great grandma last night
by Daniel Larson community lovers February 4, 2022
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Adjective. To describe someone as a cuck, but the rhyming fuck makes it twice as insulting.
Verb. To get cucked and equally as fucked. Usually used when rejected by a girl or used as an alternative to being "cock blocked."
Noun. When someone is a cuck fuck it means they're a huge arrogant asshole.
N. "Wow, Steve is the biggest cuck fuck I know."
Adj. "You are such a cuck fuck."
V. "Broooo, you got cuck fucked so hard!"
by Zuccy Boy December 5, 2017
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Exclamatory phrase known to boost the strength and endurance of Eastern European people by 10%.
Gabe}: Alright Dave, you ready to get some gains today?
Dave: Yeah, just give me one sec, "Cuck fuck, cuck fuck, cuck fuck, cuck fuck" OK, I'm good now, let's go.
by PolishPasta September 25, 2019
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No one gets down to cuck fuck deuce like Kyle, Austin, and the unlucky.
by Onderma August 11, 2017
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