A girl who is self-righteous, self-centered, selfish and obsessive.
Crazy Bitch Syndrome is a defined as girl who gets mad at you for looking at her facebook and you see she is cheating on you but feels looking at her facebook is a "breach of trust".
A girl who calls you selfish for breaking up with her has CBS.
A girl who says she trusts you but wont let you hang out with girls.
A girl who wants to get married as soon as possible so you wont leave her because she is afflicted with Crazy Bitch Syndrome.
by Kava'Cre March 2, 2011
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Stupid Crazy Ass Bitch Syndrome (SCABS) is an extremely common disorder in females. SCABS infects more than 95% of females over the age of 43. Symptoms include idiocy, delusion, irritability, and overall extreme cuntish behavior. A woman with this syndrome is called a 'SCAB.' Unfortunately, SCABS can cause irritation, emotional distress, marital problems, and, in extreme cases, psychosis in the spouse or significant other.
My wife has a chronic case of Stupid Crazy Ass Bitch Syndrome (SCABS). She is just like a bloody real scab, the longer it's around the uglier it gets.
by TTIII June 5, 2016
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