The point in a relationship when one or both parties are comfortable farting in front of eachother.
Adam dumped Eva when she was comfartable well before he was.
by Lotuschef August 12, 2015
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The feeling in a relationship where you are comfortable enough to fart in front of your significant other; content with smelling a significant other's gaseous exhaust.
Honey, I've finally become totally comfartable with you.
by Rach to the el July 24, 2008
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1. Miss-spelling of the word comfortable

2. When you're comfortable farting in front of someone.
"Our relationship is at that comfartable stage."
by ComfyG August 21, 2011
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You think that woman is a hot public political figure with substance?? That is soooo comfartable imho, to think that.
by ladyMatea June 23, 2011
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To eventually relieve wind after holding it in, in polite company, for quite some time.
The first thing I did as I got off the plane from New York was to make myself comfartible.
by Sharksie March 29, 2022
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Noun: A fart that relieves tension and makes one feel more at ease; a comforting fart.
The comfart during the big test was relieving for her.
by cheddarz October 24, 2010
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