Plays alternative rock. Published the albums Parachutes (2000) and A rush of blood to the head (2002). Consists of Chris Martin (vocals, piano, guitar), Jonny Buckland (guitar, harmonics), Guy Berryman (Bass) and Will Champion (drums).
I just want to listen to Coldplay.
by Aleksander December 27, 2003
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A forgotten secret Nazi vengeance weapon next to the V1 flying bomb and the V2 rocket.
The use of Coldplay on the civil population causes severe social problems such as: mass depression, mass self-pity, mass nausea
and also brutal anger in partially immune civilians.
Long term effects include severe debilitation and apathy.
Coldplay on the radio:
"Is there anybody lost and hurt(...)"
*Mass Sobbing*
by n008 April 12, 2009
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Possibly the most overrated band in the history of modern popular music, next to the beatles. Their music is nice to listen to, but not very musically dynamic and gets tiresome quickly. All their songs are "engineered" to sound perfect and evoke some kind of emotional response. These guys wouldn't know improvisation if it hit them in the face. And they play short concerts now that they're superstars. A fad that will surely fade soon.
"Hey man I'm so glad we're all back together, listening to coldplay, senior year is gonna be great! These are good days we're living bro. Man this song makes me think." *looks up at sky*
by mondoshiwan October 14, 2006
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1) To rip off someone else's intellectual property and claim it as your own, as the pop band Coldplay has done repeatedly.

also common -
2) get/be coldplayed: to be the object or victim of someone else's ripoff scheme.
1) "Dude, that Viva La Vida song is epic"
"Yeah? It'd be a lot more epic if they hadn't coldplayed the entire melody line and chord progression straight from Joe Satriani's 'If I Could Fly'. "
2) "Damn, I love that remake of Kraftwerk's 'Computer Love' don't you?"
"Well, sadly it's actually not Kraftwerk, they just got coldplayed."
by biggster boy May 24, 2010
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Man, I gotta take a huge Coldplay. dude,I just stepped in a pile of Coldplay. Did you just Coldplay yourself?
by blackpanther666 May 15, 2010
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fucking shit band, makes you want to kill yourself when you hear any of their songs
coldplay chris martin
by spacy August 20, 2008
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a terrible excuse for rock music
they really deserve the genre "alternative bullshit"
did you hear that song?
wait....that was a song.i thought that was some crappy ass garage band.
no man that was by coldplay
by bragkiller December 20, 2008
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