Some really serious shit is going down, so the cops can break down the door and arrest your ass
We broke down the door and arrested the suspect because of Exigent circumstances.
by Dieter2148 February 13, 2016
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The whole 'You're exactly were you deserve to be' rhetoric is more for the people for the people saying it than it is for the people listening. It's a way for them to affirm that THEY deserve THEIR competence. "I dEsErVe ThIs!" They cry as they clench their bad of money 💰 It's a way of dismissing circumstance all together as though external factors don't, I don't know, lead people to ending up in gas chambers, or the ground, or a Romanian prison.
Hym "This is what I mean by pandering to masochistic disaffected men who want to be told they are shit. I mean, seriously. Cut everyone out of your life (unless they have some vague goal of making money) and get off social media (except to watch my channel). If you're dealt a red 7 and a black 2 your skill at poker isn't going to change your circumstances more than the flop. The guy across the table could very well have cards up his sleeve. Shit, the dealer could turn over 3 7s. You could buff your way out of it. But no one can blame you for losing that hand.
by Hym Iam March 30, 2023
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Situational details regarding the catcher in a baseball game; specifically, factors which could justify his being viewed/treated more leniently regarding any perceived wrongdoing that he may have been involved in.
Charlie Brown's baseball glove is much too large for him, so the fact that he frequently misses or drops the ball should perhaps be viewed less harshly, given these mittigating circumstances.
by QuacksO December 15, 2020
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