To revive a dead or dying franchise with dark and moody epicness.
Are they really rebooting Spider-Man.

Yeah, apparently they're gonna' try and Christopher Nolan it.
by J.N. Growling June 19, 2010
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Christopher Nolan actually puts effort into making his movies, unlike Disney
by xX_LordGaben69_Xx December 8, 2020
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Auteur. Visionary. British.

Christopher Edward Nolan is a British-American film director. He is considered one of the most acclaimed and successful filmmakers of the 21st century.
Do you know a Fun Fact? Christopher Nolan doesn't own a smartphone or an email address.
by pacificshell50 August 23, 2022
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1. A (sometimes overrated) guy who fucks your empty brain with his extremely mind fucking movies.
2. The term used by a pseudo movie critic Indian nigga to criticize Bollywood movies.
WARNING: Please don't watch his movies. Either your brain will lose it's virginity you'll end up becoming a fan tard.
He: Dude! What if I travel back in time and kill myself? Will it be called a suicide or murder?
Me: Wtf dude!! Are you Christopher Nolan?
by Asmurt_gai June 2, 2018
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1. A name for the G.O.A.T

2. A cinematic genius who creates mind-boggling movies that requires an IQ above 200 to understand.

3. Does not like chairs on the set when filming!

4. The bender of Time.
Every Christopher Nolan films presents a unique setting with interesting yet complex characters, plot and stories put together on a surprising twist.
by pacificshell50 August 12, 2022
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