The best kinda car ever made (ford suck huge ass crack!!!!!!!!)
my 69 camaro smoked that mustang
by EAT COCK EVERYONE October 2, 2003
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Best damned cars around! 197k miles on my Camaro, and only problme I ever had with it was blowing the rear end.. but even then it was still driveable..
My Camaro has 197k+ miles, and is still leavin 30+foot strips!
by Matt M May 17, 2004
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The only cars/trucks worth buying, shits on fords
Fuck ford, and dodge
go chevy
by Nova King October 7, 2008
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A curly haired guy always wanted a mullet but hasn't been able to get one until today
Hey did you see that Chevie guy he'd look good with a mullet
by Pugzy90 May 29, 2017
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1. It's what you buy if you hate Ford.

2. It's what you don't buy if you like Ford.

3. Like a Ford, it also sucks ass.
Chevy sucks! No, Ford sucks! Bla,bla,bla.....Well, I got sick of both of them and got me a Dodge, so there.
by AntiGop May 2, 2005
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1. a perfectly reliable car, especially the older models
2. of poor business performance
1. Wake up assholes, my Dad has been driving his 64 Chevy his entire life and it has never once failed to get us where we were going, runs great, is great, period.
2. God damn I wish Chevy had gotten the cummins contract so I wouldn't have to jack it from an old Dodge and overhaul my f-ing truck.
by Lord June 24, 2003
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-v : A term used to describe when one is swindled by being forced to fork over a large sum of cash for a product that is of piss-poor quality and that often falls apart quickly after purchase (i.e. a Chevy.)
Bob: "Dude, did you really buy that watch from that street vendor? You totally got chevyed."
Larry: "HOWEVA do you mean?"
Bob: "You paid $80 for a rolex spelled with two ls, dude. Well that, plus the gold paint is already chipping off, the second hand doesn't work, and the face is made entirely of plastic!"
Larry: <furiously taps leg containing keys to every door in the world>
by RedMktg August 4, 2005
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