Chaos is the speed-eating champion in Scranton, Pennsylvania-Chalupa division. A loser with no friends, bought the last Skylander at his local Toys "R" Us, even though he knew someone else wanted it.
Chaos pissed on my doormat. He was trying to draw his own face with his piss.
by SpaccAlberi April 5, 2022
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1. The infinite dark empty void surrounding the finite universe, (in astronomy).

2. The dark empty void, before the universe was created, (in Greek mythology).

3. Havoc & disorder.
'Outside the finite universe (extremely hypermassive globular cluster of galaxies), there could be other universes like it (the multiverse) and outside the multiverse could be an infinite empty dark void full of blackholes from dead universes known as 'chaos'.
by DianaLuciusDeCollis July 5, 2022
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Chaos, noun.

1. A powerful god, and guardian of the Chao in Sonic Adventure. He was imprisoned in the Master Emerald by Tikal after going on a rampage/killing spree.

2. A character in Xenosaga. Often confused with aforementioned character.
Chaos rose up, his liquidy body towering that of Sonic's. He said, "Let there be Chao". And there were many Chao indeed.
by Finalhazard Jones August 7, 2004
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Itshonestbee is the holy grail of CHAOS
by Kiggles170 April 5, 2021
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‘What one direction song defines chaos, in your opinion?’ ‘oh, definitely never enough
by harrieswallss July 25, 2021
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short for: can't have anyone over syndrome . Like when your room is out of shape and you have OCD and likes nobody to see it that way...
hammer: why you say I can't stop for a cuppa, Maurice?
Maurice (on the phone): I'm having Chaos,man...
by hytham_hammer August 6, 2005
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It's what killed the dinosaurs.
JD: Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling
by i dont use this account July 18, 2019
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