
boldly rude or disrespectful behavior motivated by excessive pride, self-confidence, or an undeserved sense of entitlement; characteristic of a stereotypical prerogative of white Americans (Caucasians), usually at the expense, inconvenience, or detriment of others, particularly non-white people.
She had the caucacity to use my grandmother's recipe for tortillas in her restaurant without permission to boost her sales and then proceeded to block me from messaging her on social media.
by Kray Zaay August 2, 2017
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Something done with the audacity of white privilege.

An act showing little compassion towards people of color.
W.G: Those #BlackLivesMatter guys don't say anything when black people kill each other.

POC: Your caucacity is disgusting.
by Chad T. Worthingtons February 20, 2017
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The audacity of a caucasian (white person)

Word invented by the the youtuber Tirrrb
"And he had the caucacity to tell me to sit down"
by yalimali April 20, 2022
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A portmanteau of caucasian and audacity, used to refer to objects or people in the popular culture that reflect both an origin in whiteness or white pride and an emboldened disregard for good taste or sensible culture.
Ex. 1:

Person 1: Look at these fucking Trump supporters' signs: "BLTs Matter", "ACAP: All Coloreds Are Pigs".

Person 2: Jesus, man, the caucacity of those motherfucking crackers.

Ex. 2:

Person 1: My nigga, just went to the Indiana State Fair, motherfuckers had deep fried sticks of butter that they serve straight up with powdered sugar.

Person 2: That's some straight up caucacity,
by Norman Macdonald March 6, 2017
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When a powdered donut pulls some disrespectful bull.

A slang term for the audacity of a caucasian person.
Anita - "Did you hear what mrs. White said yesterday? She's so racist.

Kathy - "Ikr!! I can't believe she had the caucacity to say something like that."
by Anxiyaa._ May 31, 2019
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white person: *anything they normally do*
by reneéwimberly July 16, 2018
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