Capitalization is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse.." and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse.."
I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse..
I had to help my uncle jack off a horse..
by HD July 28, 2004
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One of the most commonly misused aspects of basic grammar.

Usually taught in the first year of education, a capital letter is used at the start of a sentence, and for names and titles/headings. This includes the names of people, organizations, places, days and months, and (often forgotten) the name of a language, brand or ethnicity. There are a few other examples, which a quick Google search will explain. It is considered acceptable to use block capitals instead of italics to emphasize a specific word or point. It is retarded to use capitals for every word, or just your favorite words, or sporadically throughout a text.
Correct use of capitalization:

1. In other news, the Prime Minister of Sweden visited Washington today, and my tiny little nipples went to France.

2. My assignment is in on Tuesday, Peter. I am going to Wikipedia it so that I progress no further with my education because I prefer to go on Facebook, buy myself presents on eBay and watch Sons of Anarchy online :).

(note for titles: 'joining' words such as 'and', 'of' and 'the' don't need capital letters)

Incorrect use of capitalization:

1. Lame Facebook status: 'Just Remember You Are Always A Shining Star'

Person 2: 'Not if you ask me in caps lock... not cool man...'

3. 'Omg why aren't we Allowed to wear fake tan to school anymore? I like being orange!!!' (allowed did not require a capital letter for ANY REASON)
by Sazwahn March 11, 2013
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An economic system based on private ownership in which the major goal is to obtain profit. A free market economy.
by Gavrik July 5, 2005
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“–Mom can i get birthday money?
by Ibeatyourepicmeat August 24, 2020
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extended version of no cap, meaning that you are not lying.
those chicken tenders were pretty bad no capital.
by catlib January 22, 2020
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