Employing the same dynamics of Dutch Courage, but more subtler to spot on the surface, your friend is a clumsy idiot when sober, but thinks he is an instant yogi, mystic and guru, after only three drags of what he thinks is "instant brain cells" or "enlightenment" or "pure intelligence" or "creativity" rolled into one...but chases all the beautiful women away and attracts all the miserable single mothers and lonely but fatal strippers and pretty, but predatory prostitutes and users, because he has a boyish insecurity or complex or ego and weed simply magnifies that for him at the cost of everyone around him.
Random Victim: "Your friend is really smart."
Me: "Yeah he is a damn good Socrates when he is high, but a real Peter Griffin when he is not."

Random Victim: "What" or "Wut" or "Wah" or "Woot."

Me: "Its Cannabis Courage, that is all that is."

Random Victim (RV): "I don't know what you are on about"(UK) or "...aboot"(CAN) or "WTF"(US)...proceeds to befriend my friend for sometime in hopes some of that enlightenment dust rubbing off on him...6 months later Random Victim is paranoid schizophrenic that thinks the US Government is after him because he "knows too much" about Babylon.
by Dr. Great Guy July 22, 2019
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The sleep you have after getting ripped.
Welcome back, where the hell have you been these past 2 days?”

“Just got out of a cannabis coma.”
by TallDaTruth July 20, 2020
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So, boofing liquid cannabis is the act of utilizing cannabis oil in a syringe and shooting it up your rectum. It’s a very fast and intense high. You definitely need to get your snacks fast and get yourself to the couch or bed to chill as it hits fast. It’s so, so satisfying.
It’s been a VERY stressful week. Time to start boofing liquid cannabis to kick off the weekend. Oohhhh! Ahhh! Yassss!
by Purplenado March 8, 2023
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A person that grows marijuana underground or illegally.
My neighbor only seems to come out at night from his Cannabi-Gnome lair.
by Cannabi-Gnome December 7, 2017
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absolute goat of a monkey being he likes to eat grass
look its jack cannaby
by segfyuegfyugfug May 9, 2023
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