A first-person-shooter game with about as many 11-year-old fanboys as the PS3, and is generally played by people with way too much time on their hands, or someone who hasn't played any Battlefield games. Usually accompanied with squeaky voices, crappy montages, fanboys that hate every other game ever, singles, and 20-year-old "pros", that give Microsoft Points to have their ranks, K/Ds, accuracy, and other useless virtual gold stickers increased in shinyness.
Person 1: I'm playing Call of Duty!

Person 2: I'm playing Battlefield with my girlfriend. We're probably going to have sex which you'll never get now though, see you!
by RussellLawliet July 24, 2011
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Does not even deserve to be called a "game".
Call of Duty is a piece of overpriced, over rated shit that only stupid westernized idiots like.
by WorkingBrain February 6, 2013
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A game series full of a modern campers and overpowered snipers
Player (walking in a open field, looking for enemies to pwn) Time to kill some bad guys!

*Sniped by a hidden camper from afar*


*Player quits playing Call of Duty online*
by poppajohn December 29, 2011
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Call of Duty is the most shitty video game series ever comprised of mainly camping and ultra faggotry. The games have remained the same from the start. It's campaign is pure crap and only lasts 2 hours. If you think that's bad then try out the multiplayer. It's garbage and all you do is camp, listen to gay 10 year olds, grenade spam, noob tube, and much more. The only reason Call of Duty has ever became popular was because of the marketing. The last decent COD game there ever was, was Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. After this hit game, the series became utter shit. The only good CODs are COD 2 and COD 4. The series has been milked to death for the moneys. Anyone that likes the series after COD 4 shouldn't be considered a real gamer and should go kill themselves.
An 11 year old who claimed Call of Duty: Black Ops was the best game ever was later found shot inside his Florida home.
by Anon485195 January 19, 2011
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A game that is highly addicting and ruins the lives of many teenage boys.
teen1: dude what ya doin?
teen2: playingCall of Duty Black ops.
teen1: didn't you play that yesterday?
teen2: no yesterday i played WaW you jerk i thought you would remember!

(never see eachother again)
by thejohnguy March 16, 2011
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A game that will keep every single boy you know on XBox Live until 3AM. Apparently, it's badass.
MCpwns: bow chicka bow wow!
J3hechanova: bow chicka bow wow!
dilman15: call of duty! zOMG.
by sharptooth January 1, 2008
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