Having a big booty or when someone’s butt looks fat/ good
Daisy’s caked up!”
“Have you been working out, you’re caked up!”
by SavageWordDict. December 19, 2018
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describes the application of excessive amounts of facial cosmetics.
Bitchy friend A: Sophie's facial rosacia is acting up again. She looks like shit.
Bitchy friend B: No wonder she was wearing cake-up when I saw her at the club last night. Not that it helped any.


Look at that bitch. She's wearing so much cake-up she looks like a drag queen.
by Matthew Lake June 10, 2006
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being in the money, bringin' home da bacon, pretty much having a lot of money and being totally covered in it.
damn someday i'll be caked up with all my chains and y'all shut up then!
by who cares? March 30, 2003
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To stack and save your dollars
i'm workin two jobs. damnit i'm tryin to cake up!
by SherLocke- July 24, 2006
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With a guy / girl you like or flirt with . . Cuddleing with eachother or just super close body to body .
Who you tryna be " Caked up " with at the movies ?
by ChyMoney March 27, 2015
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A girl who wears so much make up that it looks as if she applied it by smashing her face into a cake.
Dee's caked-up like a rainbow today.
by ash_26_84 July 26, 2013
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(adj.) So engaged in the act(s) of physical romance as to preclude acknowledging other interests or stimuli.
She still ain't trying to hear her phone, hoochie must be caked up with D'Alfonso again.
by Big Gus Dickus May 21, 2008
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