A Busboy or Busgirl working in a restaurant. Used instead of saying "busboy/busgirl". Mainly meant to make the job application shorter, and easier to say to bus people of both sexes.
1: "Hey, buser. Take this to table two, will you?"

2: Position applying for: Waiter/Waitress. Buser. Cook.
by Arch Dragon June 24, 2006
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An adjective describing a person SO busy that it make them miserable beyond tolerance by anyone around them. Causes are, but not limited to, being overworked, minimal pay, long hours
Wow I just spoke with the parts guy, and he was Buserable!
by Jessup the wise May 4, 2022
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Some who is retarded and probably rode the "short bus" as a kid. Can also reffer to the Office idiot.
"JD" - Damn Bubba is a retard. He must have rode the short bus when he was a kid!
"Justin" - Yeah he is a short buser!
by Jay-No December 10, 2009
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