That annoying zit/pimple on your inner thigh area, in which become irritated when your thighs scrape together or is touched/picked at.
I can hardly walk straight because this Saddle Burr is driving me crazy!
by Drunken Visionary. December 31, 2015
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The act of going into a farm shed and having fun sex with a friend.
Kel took Pete up to the hay shed and they kissed and cuddled and that led to some serious burr cutting! They had an awesome time! They will be cutting burrs more often from now on.
by The haycutter March 17, 2018
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Someone that is really small, annoying and poor
Bjerne: Does burr snurr come to fav?
Leo: No, he says he doesn't have any money that sosse
by Tåre April 11, 2019
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