Brick shit-house,brick shithouse are also acceptable forms of spelling.

1) a stand alone sturdy toilet constructed from brick.
2) Simile - a large and/or muscular person
by anun January 29, 2004
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A huge motherfucker with gigantic muscles that could fuck up anyone that doesn't take steroids and go to the gym 6 days a week.
Look at Alfalfa, he is one huge motherfucking brick shit house.
by FrameMan February 24, 2009
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A term your buddy will use to describe a hot chick. You know she may be hot, but there is just no way to ever get with her because she looks to much like a dude.
friend "hey check her out"
you "she built like a brick shit house"
friend "wow, she's hot"
you "yeah okay" to yourself "how well do I know this dude, weirdo"
by jackiebauer May 8, 2008
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You use the term "brick shit house" to describe someone who is hideous looking. Usually this person has a disproportionate figure, uber short legs, or is just super fat.
Person A: "Do you see that huge ass person over there?"
Person Z: "Yeah, that bitch is build like a brick shit house."
by qwerpoiu November 19, 2009
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A big red brick house with doors that have no staircases to go down. With a ghetto rock driveway and a flat roof. Looks like a Giant outhouse.
I was looking to move on Lawler but when I saw the place was a brick shit house I chose to stay in my apartment.
by kathleen182 June 3, 2005
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Therapist: "Okay Billy, i want you to say the first thing that comes to mind when i say a word

Billy: "Okay"

Therapist: "apple"

Billy: "red

Therapist: " Industructible brick shit house"

by jacknotblackbutwhite November 28, 2009
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