When the man does something correct and the girl gain respect for him
Girl: wow you get some Boyfriend points for knowing all of that about me
by Thadius thunder thighs August 16, 2016
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When a new boyfriend does whatever he thinks his girlfriend would like, such as following her around. Quite like being whipped, but doing so just to get in her pants. Enough Boyfriend Points gets you to SCORE.
Guy 1: Dude, that new guy is all over that ugly girl.
Guy 2: Yeah he's going for some Boyfriend Points.
Guy 1: That makes sense.
by Blackflame619 January 14, 2009
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A way of measuring good deeds a boyfriend preforms for his boy/girlfriend. They usually come in handy when something like cheating/lying is done. Kind of like a "Get Out of Jail Free" card for relationships
Boyfriend: "Fuuuck, man!"
Boyfriend's friend: "What?"
Boyfriend: "I got wasted and cheated on Alyssa man... She's totally pissed!"
Boyfriend's friend: "Damn man; she caught you cheating? You're totally fucked."
Boyfriend: "Nah man all those Good Boyfriend Points might end up saving me..."
by IAmCool69 June 22, 2012
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