A statement of joy used after one performs a seemingly undoable or amazing task
"Booyah!" said the boy after he managed to make a shot against basketball legend Michael Jordan.
by dizzkidboogie March 24, 2003
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Best known for its use by ESPN "Sportscenter" anchor Stuart Scott, this word is used to show defiance in the face of adversity, which MUST result in emphatic triumph.
The Boston Red Sox trailed the New York Yankees until "Big Papi" David Ortiz stepped to the plate, and Booyah!, Big Papi was off the hook!
by Patrick MacKenzie September 8, 2005
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reaction to the sound of a pair or testicles coming out of an anus
by neffles October 5, 2006
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Pronounced; (shotgun headshot) Boo-Yah

The sound one makes after a sound whooping is administered in the most surgical of formats. Generally follows Shotgun Mouthwash, Shoryuken, Rocket Launchers, Kung Fu, Mortal Kombat, and other things where, afterwards, your opponent is seriously messed up.
A man bursts out of a door, and blows away a terrorist with a twelve-gauge


kicks corpse down flight of stairs.
by robocarnage November 26, 2009
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Rock Cocaine or taking a Real big hit of crack cocaine.
I'll give you a Booyah this time.'Giant hit of crack'
by Henry Hellafied August 13, 2003
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Exclamation of supportive comaradary by the U.S. Marine Corps: It comes from the word bouillon, which is a broth made from the cooking of chicken bones (opponents).
James Blake just beat Raphael Nadal in the 2005 U.S. Open,

by KMM September 3, 2005
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