(Adj referencing Dan Bongino invented by Joe Concha): energetic and passionate, the opposite of dopey and lethargic
by Sexydimma April 11, 2021
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Referencing Dan Bongino
a) Energetic and passionate in terms of talking about your political and social convictions

b) the opposite of dopey and lethargic
I'm bonginoed definitions both a) and b) right now.
by Sexydimma April 12, 2021
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When a man presses his flared nostril to the tip of another man's erect penis and blows a booger into the urethra.
At first I wasn't sure I could trust Senator Ted Cruz to be a passionate lover. But when he offered to give me a Bongino my fears were alleviated.
by HemlockMoonwolf July 1, 2022
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Sexually stimulating one’s self to pictures of Sean Hannity.
The punk propogandist was frequently found to be bonginoing himself while sipping camomile tea.
by Mobious442 December 3, 2018
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When you are banging someone from behind and they involuntarily diahrrea themselves violently all over your abdomen and genitalia.
I was totally taking her from behind and right as I was about to finish she ended the night with a Dan Bongino and completely ruined my satin sheets.
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