Similar to "Yo, DJ". Bo in this case is a salutation and/or interjection and "selector" is a name for someone who "selects" which records to play - like a DJ.

Can also be used as a celebration.

or as an expression of grief.
"Bo-Selector! Spin some phat tunes man."

"Bo-Selector! I've just won the 1st prize at the WI raffle!"

"awww, bo-selector, that was my last 50 pence"
by Spacey October 6, 2003
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"Bo" as in very good
"selector" the DJ and/or his/her choice of tune.
by DJ QC August 1, 2003
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As above, mostly used by townie wankers with no lives, while listening to so solid crew, wearing rockport, and drinking white lightening!
Im too 'ard me... bo selecter... p.s. im a cock
by Flange August 18, 2003
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Expression, used commonly amongst the black community and wannabe's such as Ali-G, said DJ's and Craig David.
Yo, check this MP3 player out! Is the finest of the line, just ripped outta a pink Chevrolet! Bo-Selector!!!! - BO!!!!
by Bruce Lee March 27, 2003
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choosing the best wood for archery
Man goes to archery lesson, first thing first need to choose a bow, have to ask the bo-selector
by Paul Brooks December 17, 2003
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word from wanna be sub culture of bling which is based around being egotistical and thinking rhyming two syllable words and longing to live in american slums is a worth while out look on life
I'm bad and dumb innit
by Scott December 19, 2003
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it can be bad...
it can be good...
or it can be neither...
Oh no, I pissed bed again, BO SELECta...

I just been toilet wi' mi gran, Bo selECTA!!!...

I dont really care, bo selecta...
by Zoolook May 25, 2004
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