Slang for blueberries, a fruit that is high in antioxidants and commonly found in Maine. Blueb can be used to refer to blueberries in any occasion of which there are bluebs to be attained and ingested, however it is most commonly used as a slang term when referring to the blueberries being served at a buffet table; when someone puts more blueberries on the table they are called new bluebs
"Wow this buffet is amazing! Not only is the food really good, but they keep bringing out new bluebs!"
"There's no going hungry on this vacation to Maine! Lobsters just aren't complete without some blueb pie!"
"Wow the bluebs are on sale at my local grocers! This is more than cool beans, it's cool bluebs!"
by Lola the Micropanda July 19, 2016
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A word describing a feeling greater than "love". It can only be used to express love greater than friendship, for someone who you will always have strong feelings for, and who is always on your mind, from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep.
I blueb X so much, she is the perfect girl for me.
by JonHuth December 23, 2005
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This is a feeling greater than love. Greater than a shallow feeling of infatuation. The feeling where you'd rather be hurt yourself, than see the person you blueb in pain.
by JonHuth December 20, 2005
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A shortened word for blueberry.
Bill: Yo man, I just picked up a ton of bluebs at the supermarket. Do you want any?

Ray: Sure, I love bluebs. They're filled with antioxidants.

Cyrus: Can I have some? My heart is achy and could use some bluebs.
by DavidBoyd July 11, 2008
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BlueB is the shortened word of BlueBerry, which was a member of the muffin clan. The muffin clan was a clan on SOCOM. You can get a hold of BlueB on AIM at Namkkman or on Yahoo Messanger at Namkkman.
BlueB pwns you, and your mother.
by Kevin "BlueB" Steinwand May 25, 2004
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n. pubic hair dyed blue, usually to match a head of hair dyed to the same shade. Should not be confused with blubes (blonde pubes).
I wonder if that girl with blue hair has matching bluebes?
by High Command March 21, 2009
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Jerry: Hey Tom, can I have the last swedish fish?
Tom: Bluebs.(eats the last one)

My girlfriend kept giving me bluebs last night, so when she was asleep I blew a load in her face.
by Robertos777 February 6, 2009
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