Something that is said when someone tries to sound smart (and is usually wrong).
Person 1: Dude you should go to space without a helmet. There's oxygen, you just can't see it!
Person 2: bruh
Person 1: No really it's true!
Person 2: Yeah, this is big brain time
by BigBrainManiac September 17, 2019
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Originating from pewdiepie and cinnamon toast Ken's minecraft skyblock letsplay, this is used in situations where one individual does something profoundly easy after struggling, or just want to sarcastically talk about their IQ being high while doing small brain things
*Pewds and Ken finally make the cobblestone generator*

Pewds : Big brain!!
*cobblestone generator breaks*
by Nineyearold123 August 9, 2019
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Where you either have a deep thought or had a smart moment.
Man: when you leave your shirt out, does that mean your tucking your pants into your shirt?
Guy: wow. That's a big brain moment.
by Jonathangg November 2, 2019
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when someone is so stupid theyre actually smart
person 1: omg this isnt a table its a window omg
person 2: big brain
by chingchongyouhaveasmalldong October 15, 2019
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Means that you’re really smart. If you get called big brain then you’re lucky to have been called so. So now you guys use that brain power!
Person 1: I still can’t figure this out...
Person 2: Wait a sec if I do this... annnd this!

Person 1: NO WAY!!! That was so big brain!
Person 1: Thank you so much, right, let’s go!
by Three-finityBits December 7, 2019
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Either your IQ is 100000 And you came up with a really good idea or Your IQ is 1 and you tried to be smart and you failed
Karam:I'm Big Brain

by aRandomNoob7 November 16, 2020
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