When something feels great, or when you are referring to a friend, it is Berti.
"Whatsup Berti?"
"That's Berti"
by Jiglo Svenson August 4, 2008
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Someone who brings a bucket to a festival for no reason other than shitting in it.
"I heard he did a Bertie at download"
"Such a Bert"
by Danny Bremner July 11, 2020
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To throw up/vomit/be sick.

Often but not specifically after consuming large quantities of alcohol.
Person at a party:

*downs an alcoholic beverage then lurches forward with their hand over their mouth*

Everyone else in the vacinity:


Person talking about a party:
"...and he drank half a bottle of straight gin, then bertied in a flowerpot."

Person who feels sick:
"Eurghh i think i'm gonna bertie."
by Rosaliiie May 7, 2009
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That guys in detention. He's probably a Bertie.
by Buddster SMT January 29, 2020
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A derogaratory name for a homosexual/s usually linked to actors.

Reputed by John Sessions on an episode of QI to have come from a conversation he had with either Alec Guinness or Laurence Olivier?? with regards to a theatre company he had either worked with or was advising him (JS) to avoid.
(1) I've been offered the role of Hamlet at Sadlers wells

(2) Who with?

(1) the SDT

(2) oh they're an absolute fleet of bertie's
by ebuygum April 22, 2009
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A Extra Large Poo that takes several flushes to get rid of.
A huge log, that sometimes has to be broken in half before it disappears.
Ive just done a "bertie" or whos left a "bertie"
by Markmcmcmc October 1, 2007
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I've taken this from the Allsorts advert. Which used the saying "One to many and you might turn Bertie". Bertie can be used for when you've had one to many of anything.
- I've been out all night and i'm abit "Bertie".
- How are you mate?..."Bertie"
by Darcy Lovitt March 28, 2009
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