Beauty entertainment is media created for the sole purpose of showcasing a beauty standard. A photoshoot with no intention to sell anything. A tiktok of a non beauty industry professional bleaching their hair.
Beauty entertainment is also the use of a beauty ritual in a group setting as a form of bonding and play. Anything from stick and poke tattoo kits to following a hair or make up tutorial with friends before a night out.
Even an impromptu photoshoot at the mall qualifies.
by Beauty ritual August 2, 2023
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Beauty entertainment is media created for the sole purpose of showcasing a beauty standard. A photoshoot with no intention to sell anything. A tiktok of a non beauty industry professional bleaching their hair.
Beauty entertainment is also the use of a beauty ritual in a group setting as a form of bonding and play. Anything from stick and poke tattoo kits to following a hair or make up tutorial with friends before a night out.
Even an impromptu photoshoot at the mall qualifies.
by Beauty ritual August 2, 2023
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