1. The female version of a beast

2. A girl who is attracted to beasts
1. Christina Aguilera is a beastess

2. That girl likes every beast going. She's a right beastess!
by BeAsTeSs November 21, 2004
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The female form of Sexy Beast. The differences are as follows:
1. Sexy Beastess' are much more aggressive
2. Sexy Beastess' are much more dangerous
3. Sexy Beastess' are much less hairy
4. Sexy Beastess' are much more unpredictable
Guy 1: Dude, did you see that girl? She's got to be the hottest girl on the planet!
Guy 2: Dude, she's a Sexy Beastess, you don't have a chance.
Guy 1: Damn, you're right.
by Blayde February 28, 2008
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