Oldest institution of higher education in Texas. Chartered in 1845 by the Republic of Texas. More hot chicks per-capita than any other university in the state.

(Apparantly Baylor is the Alma Mater of That Super Guy's boss which would explain his ridiuclous rant)
That Super Guy: If I hadn't been such a screw-up in High School, I might have gone to Baylor University and earned a decent living.
by BaylorDan July 11, 2006
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I live by homeless vagrants, whom I turn my nose up to. I look just like everyone else at my school. The NoZe Brothers are the coolest thing since khakis and sandals. I have a leather Abercrombie and Fitch Bible cover. I have an Abercrombie and Fitch everything. I can coordinate outfits and ensembles better than anyone in my upscale apartment complex. I have a radar that lets me know where the closest ATM is. If I can't find one it's okay. I have ten credit cards all of which are billed to my parents. My town is so conservative that anyone who kisses on the mouth before three years of marriage is drug through the center of town, stoned, and hung to death. I like me. I should be an underwear model. I worked my butt off in high school to get in here and am fully paying for my expensive education with scholarships, or else my Mommy and Daddy went here and they're paying for it all and I only got in because they both made some calls. We're the oldest institution of higher learning in the state, yet we've always sucked at football. Its ok, we're just paying our way to be in the Big 12. The only teams that win anything are the baseball team and women's basketball but even that's a little too dyke-ish for the rest of the Baptist General Convention. We tell our parents we go to church on Sunday mornings, but really we all get up, get dressed and go to IHOP. Our veins are pumped of Dr. Pepper and we're always wearing a school shirt that some frat or club or dance or 11 o'clock MWF class made. And mandatory Chapel? What is this, communism? It's ok though I guess; I only came here to find a spouse; however it's harder than I thought with the visitation hours being 1 pm to 6 pm every day, so I just date one hall at a time. I go to Baylor, where a silver Accord is actually considered the nicest car driven by a faculty member and the ghetto-est car driven by a student. I am a Bear.
I wanted to be a frat star so I joined Baylor University.
by BaylorGuy January 30, 2008
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Best school in the Big XII and maybe best in the nation.

Baylor fans are true sports fans! Even though Baylor is not the best in all sports, its fans still are faithful and never give up. Besides that, Baylor is second in most Big XII titles.

Baylor has the most beautiful campus in all of Texas. The Baylor Science Building(BSB), Patt Neff, and the Student Life Center(SLC), even add to the beauty. The SLC also holds the tallest rock wall in all of Texas.

Unlike Texas and Texas A&M, Baylor is working to be Ivy League-like and one of the top research schools in the nation by 2012.

Baylor's acceptance rate in 2009 - 34%. Texas - 51%.

Also home to that Good Ol' Baylor Line.

Also, Baylor in the early 1930's killed an aggie during a fight during homecoming. The Baylor student beat the aggie with a fence post in the most christian way possible until the aggie died. What a glorious day in Baylor history.

Baylor actually has an intimadating mascot. Unlike Texas, TTU, Oklahoma, and A&M.

Alumni - Jeff Dunham, 3 governors of Texas, Michael Johnson, the director who directed The Blind Side, Willie Nelson, and a girl off the office.
Person: Mom. Dad. Im a Texas A&M aggie.


Person: Just kidding! Im going to BAYLOR UNIVERSITY!

Mom & Dad: We raised you well!
by SICEMBEARS November 24, 2009
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This is a fun loving, intelligent, and smart girl. She is very pretty, she loves her social media. She has eyes as pretty as a day at the beach, and hair normally dirty blonde or brown. She is tan and loves the sun and hanging with her friends. Over all she is a family and friend loving beautiful smart girl!❤️
That girl is so pretty, she must be a Baylor girl!!
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a school of rich preppy people. they are all brats and have sex together in the bathroom. lovely school definitely DONT wanna go there.
ME- ahhh this kid from baylor school is here FRIEND- FUCKING CANT BE NEAR THEM MIGHT GET AN STD
by these loserscansuckit March 20, 2018
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A basketball player who didnt get enough credit for his hard work and dedication to the game his style was ahead of his time he did not get much credit due do racism in the 1960. From 1960to1962 he scored more than 30 points a game, 1961 was his best season playing 48 games with 44.4 minutes a game and scoring 38.2 pts a game. With a 42.8 FG% and 75.4FT% and 18.6 rebounds a game and 4.6 assits
Tom -did you here about elgin Baylor noah-no
Tom-he scored 71 points last night
by Mondaytosunday killer January 21, 2022
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The worst possible university you could ever dream of attending. The average student is an absolute tool of below average intelligence, if you don't believe this look at some of the spelling errors in the descriptions written by the students themselves. Baylor boasts low acceptance rates, wanna know why? Because they send out applications to every single student in the entire world and to apply you basically just write your name down, it's called the snap app. Although they have all the capacity for great traditions, the students are too disrespectful and arrogant to respect them. Case in point, the eternal flame, which is meant to honor the immortal ten, a group of baylor athletes who were killed by a bus about seventy years ago. During this "tradition" students managed to hospitalize a cop and two of their fellow students, talk about respect for the dead. Baylor is actually proud to host "Sing" which is basically a demonstration of how big of a nancy every single baylor male is. Seriously, the thing is like broadway. The only thing gayer than broadway is two dudes fucking. The university is a palatial bubble surrounded by utter poverty, to which the baylor community turns up its nose. Oh yeah, you have to go to chapel, too, but don't expect any credit hours. Attending this university is like going to a daily douchebag conference. Think of the lamest kid you know, that kid would be popular at baylor.
baylor university: where the girls are girls and the boys are too!
by Duanes December 9, 2009
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