An act of poserness when you pretend to like a band, but actually know next to nothing about them, other than their single.
You: Dood, I love Lacuna Coil, best death metal band ever.

Me: ...*punch*
by Deathfuckingmetal May 7, 2005
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Bandwagger (adjective)

means someone that follows the crowd and does what other people do
by Slang words March 12, 2017
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Someone who follows the crowd and does what others do. Another word for this may also be "poser."
Don't go willy-nilly with this. People who legitimately do like a band but only know so little songs don't deserve to be called a bandwagger. Gatekeepers...
Elitist: You bandwagger! Metalcore is NOT allowed on this field! Put on Fuckingcthulhuuntiltimestops and get out!
Me: You do realize we're roommates, right? Besides, I specifically told you that I don't fully identify a metalhead. I just like the music.
by 7568ino November 3, 2023
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