6 definitions by Deathfuckingmetal

Quite easily the stupidest thing you could do when you're depressed or angry. Also, it allows emo kids and 12 year old Marilyn Manson fans to prove to themselves and friends that they are hardcore.
1) Look at me, I cut myself, I'm such a manic depressive.

2) Marilyn Manson would be proud! Hail Satan!!!
by Deathfuckingmetal May 7, 2005
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When you cut your wrists, and then drip the blood over your forehead, then cut out that piece of your forehead and scratch your balls with it.
My friends make fun of me and my music, so they say I should take a gothic shower.
by Deathfuckingmetal April 30, 2005
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An act of poserness when you pretend to like a band, but actually know next to nothing about them, other than their single.
You: Dood, I love Lacuna Coil, best death metal band ever.

Me: ...*punch*
by Deathfuckingmetal May 7, 2005
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A band whose name describes every fiber of their musical being.
I want to go to their Italian villa in Rome and throw a brick through the the window of their Maserati, the rich fucking bastards.*

*I'm not sure about the villa, but I'm sure they have one.
by Deathfuckingmetal May 9, 2005
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Probably the most influential, well-known and best death metal band in the death scene today. For everyone who doesn't like them for being famous, you guys are posers. If you stop liking a band because they've extended their fan base, but still play fucking good music, you try too hard to be different.
If you truly want to be original, listen to drone metal. But it fucking sucks, much like you do.
by Deathfuckingmetal May 9, 2005
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A slow, ambient form of metal, an off-shoot of doom metal. Music in this genre is characterized by very long songs consisting of ambient noise, few vocals, and generally a repetitive drum and bass line. Music targeted for stoners. Bands like this include Halo and SUNN (((O
Not considered real music; people hate this stuff. People feel that artists like these shouldn't be signed to labels when "real" artists still go unnoticed.
by Deathfuckingmetal May 9, 2005
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