Band kids are often really weird. The only friends they really have are the ones who also take band with them, since they have they same humor. Bad kids are witty people who come up with the most random things to say. Some might be even a little superior and have extremely strong opinions. They love to game! Especially Minecraft and more of those PC games where they can also play with there fellow band members.
That one band kid talking about wii sports and references Matt the boxing champion. (One class with a bunch of band kids actually started doing this)
by DucktalesTMNT February 16, 2022
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Not old memes, actually.
Cooler than you.
Also gay because gay
Look, there’s a band kid!
by bandmids April 22, 2023
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A "band kid" is a high school kid who's entire life revolves around being in marching band
They're personality is that they are in marching band
They're often total spergs incapable of talking about anything other than band and internet memes
An important note is not all kids in marching band are band kids but because there is enough of them to form an annoying band kid culture at almost every high school in the America it's fair to assume most are
Normal member of society: hey band kid
Band kid: Hey I play the (insert random instrument). (Insert latest reddit meme). Did I mention I think that we marching band kids work harder than the football players? Also subscribe to pewdiepie guys lololol we can't let t series win! Oh wow that joke didn't get annoying after 10 minutes. It's so funny! Do you watch pewdiepie?
by Kemonomimi August 25, 2019
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The most out-of-touch, unfunny and awkward people you can find at any high school. They frequent Reddit and constantly regurgitate old memes they hear on the website. Can also be seen in anime or video game-related events and clubs, as well as the band room.
Person 1: Who’s playing that annoying ass music?
Person 2: That’s just the band kids in the back.
*Soviet Union Anthem Earrape playing over an Android speaker*

Person 1: Turn that bullshit off.
Band kid: That’s not very wholesome of you!
by Glizzy_Goblin July 22, 2020
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One who is in the high school band, and more specifically, the marching band. Probably some of the biggest perverts you will ever happen upon, a band kid's life centers around marching band.
Their life? They have none because it consists entirely of marching band.
It is worth it though and they love every minute (That they're not hating with a passion, such as parades.)

Most wouldn't trade it for the world.
Roll stepping your way through band camp, 'band bus' rides and the shenanigans that go on, competitions and practice.
This is our life.
"Hey, you want to invite Emily to come with us?"
"She can't, she has a football game to go to. Marching band and all..."
"Well, how about Saturday?"
"She has a competition."
"Pep band."
"Does she have ANY day free?"
"Dude, she's a band kid."
by Laura January 8, 2008
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A band kid, also known as a reddit kid, is a person whose humor consists if t-poses, deep fried memes, a severe misunderstanding of post-irony, the USSR (100% this person is non-communistic and thinks Stalin created communism), the 🅱️ meme, and etc.
Sidenote: Not all people in band are band kids, and band kids not in bad are simply referred as a reddit kid.
Nathan: Have you seen what Kyle has been posting recently?
Damian: Yeah its just shitty 2018 memes and PewDiePie quotes. What a band kid.
by Actually_Sorabji August 21, 2022
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1. A kid in a band
2. More specifically a "Marching Band Kid"

Traits of a band kid:
1. Plays an istrument (or pretends to)
2. Can read music (or pretends to)
3. Wears a goofy uniform
4. Wears compfy but silly-looking shoes in either black or while with the heel cut off
5. Has two brains... or none at all
Drummers are a diverse bunch of band kids... some are super-smart (not many (-:) annd some are super-dumb (are not! They just think differently)
by Kaytee P January 13, 2004
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