2 definitions by Glizzy_Goblin

Short for Southern Maryland. Most people consider Charles, Calvert, and St. Mary’s Counties to comprise Southern Maryland, but opinions vary on this. The culture of Southern Maryland is strange, sharing elements similar to the American South as well as the DMV or DC metro area. The populace consists of SMIBs who wear camo at all times, hunt, drive trucks, etc., as well as people who believe Southern Maryland is part of the DMV, who use words like jhi, jawnt, and glizzy, vape and smoke weed, and seem to believe they are hard despite living in the suburbs.
Person 1: Why is that man acting like a redneck and a gangster at the same time?
Person 2: He’s from SOMD.
by Glizzy_Goblin July 22, 2020
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The most out-of-touch, unfunny and awkward people you can find at any high school. They frequent Reddit and constantly regurgitate old memes they hear on the website. Can also be seen in anime or video game-related events and clubs, as well as the band room.
Person 1: Who’s playing that annoying ass music?
Person 2: That’s just the band kids in the back.
*Soviet Union Anthem Earrape playing over an Android speaker*

Person 1: Turn that bullshit off.
Band kid: That’s not very wholesome of you!
by Glizzy_Goblin July 22, 2020
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