Bruh can we talk about how one mf on tiktok really done wiped their tampon on a Bakugou poster and posted it😭 After I write this definition I'm going to go log off the entire internet because at this point I'm done with 2021
Rebecca: "Stacey, did you see that one tiktok of a person wiping their Bakugou blood on a poster?"
Stacey: "No..? What the actual fuck is wrong with tiktok.."
by isabelleneedsanothername March 11, 2021
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Bakugou blood is when an person who has a period and is obviously way too young wipes their bloody tampon and period blood on a poster on tiktok to traumuatize multiple people
"OMG I just saw a girl bakugou blood her poster last night it was so nasty"
by im horny rn March 8, 2021
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